LENTEN BIBLE STUDY Please join us for a Lenten Bible Study called “The Purpose Driven Life,” on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. in the CE Building (large conference room). This is a 40 day journey to deepen your relationship with Jesus and grow in your faith. We have all the resources you will need.
All are welcome – bring a friend!
FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON Our next fellowship luncheon will be March 23rd.
"March Munchies" is the theme so, bring your favorite snack, dip, slider, salad, and dessert; it will be fun trying them all! This will also be an opportunity to meet our Church Health Coach Al Wettach. Contact Gayle or Lisa with any comments or questions.
ASPIRE WOMEN’S EVENT On Sunday, March 23 – an evening full of laughter, learning, stories, and music at the Unity Community Church in Plum (5:00 – 8:00 p.m.). General Admission tickets are $30. (for a group of 10 or more $ 25) See the pink flyer on the bulletin board for more information. If interested, contact Linda Leggett at 412-901-0149.
APPLE DUMPLING SALE Bethesda United Presbyterian Church, 314 Third Street, Elizabeth Boro, PA 15037 (at the bottom of the Rt. 51 North off-ramp and across from Dollar General) is holding their Advance Order Apple Dumpling Sale. There is a limited quantity of apple dumplings available so please order early. The apple dumplings are $5.00 each and may be picked up on Saturday, April 5 from noon until 2:00 p.m. at the church. Orders must be received by Sunday, March 30. The apple dumplings may be ordered “baked” or “unbaked.”
“Unbaked” apple dumplings will be frozen. Please call 412-384-8473 to order. Please leave your name, phone number, number and type of apple dumplings requested if you get a voicemail message. You will receive a return phone call confirming your order. You may also drop your order off at the church (white mailbox on porch if no answer) or mail your order to the church. You may pay in advance (check payable to Bethesda Board of Deacons) or pay on pick-up. Thank you.
FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS The Food Pantry is requesting toothpaste/deodorant for March. Please place these either in the basket in the vestibule or drop them off in front of the Food Pantry door in the CE building. Thank you for helping those in need!
CLOTHES CLOSET DONATIONS Anyone leaving donations for the Clothes Closet, PLEASE DO NOT leave them outside! Any donations left outside will be placed in the Salvation Army drop-off box. DO bring in your donations Monday
through Friday between 9:00 and 12:00 and spread the word to anyone
inquiring about donating to the Clothes Closet. Thank you for helping those in need. Please do not bring in any houseware items: dishes, pots & pans, knick knacks, etc. We do not have the space for these items. Thank you!
FLOWER CHART The Flower Chart is posted in the narthex. If you would like to have flowers placed on the chancel, please sign on the chart indicating “Provided by’, “In Memory of’ or “In Honor of” on the date you would like. The price for two vases of flowers is $20; checks may be made payable to Round Hill Presbyterian Church. Please indicate FLOWERS on the envelope.
OFFERING ENVELOPES- When you have about one month's worth of envelopes left at home, please fill out the BRIGHT PINK form found on the table in the narthex to order more. These forms are also for those of you who would like to start using offering envelopes but have never received any. All forms can be then placed in the collection basket. Thank you!
"PER MEMBER ASKING "Our presbytery is currently funded by "per member asking," an amount per active member that each church is asked to contribute. This year (2024), Round Hill is contributing $15.00 per member to the Presbytery of the Alleghenies. Our contribution to the denomination is based on 1% of last year's income to the church which is about $16 per member. That is a total of $31 per member. This information is provided for those members who would like to contribute the per member amount in addition to their regular giving by marking "PMA" or "per capita" on a gift placed in the offering.
ONLINE GIVING NOW AVAILABLE- If you would like to donate online, go to the "Donations" page and follow the instructions; you can use credit/debit cards or Paypal.
Monday (3/10)
6:30 pm Trustee Meeting
6:30 pm Session Meeting
Tuesday (3/11)
10:00 am Intercessory Prayer
12:00 pm Bible Study
1:00 pm Thriving Survivors Lunch
Thursday (3/13)
1:00 pm Lenten Bible Study
Sunday (3/16)
9:15 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship